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goro chuuu

A member registered Sep 05, 2019

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ok so, a bit more of an in depth review now that ive familiariesed  myself with the game more, might edit when i manage to beat it, i came super close once and then got vaporised 

The art is gorgeous, i absolutely love pixel art and this game looks fantastic! the horse model is great and its fun to see it under you.          watching the trees and bushes set alight is awesome, and the firework is epic to shoot off into the distance. It does sort of look like a jousting pole which is cool to pretend youre charging into battle.

 the movement is great, although there is one problem, you can go way faster backwards than forward, which leads to a bug  where if you go backwards fast enough up a mountain, you can start flying, i one time managed to fly past the world and was just stuck there. also going down a hill normally will sometimes cause the horse to look like  its infront of you and youre just floating behind it

the archery feels great and timing shots right to hit bushes and trees is super satisfying.

the boss battle is really engaging and running between its legs and then firing a shot to hit the banners feels great! although i do have a question, is the fog intentional? it sometimes gets pretty frustrating to know if you hit the banner or not as you sometimes cant really see it. 

also one more thing, i found a card or something near a tree and was wondering if it had any use or if i have something special in order to do something with it? 

This is awesome!!!! although im not sure how to kill the colossus, do i just have to hit it enough times with the firework?



i won the game without dying once! i had to make loads of tough choices to be able to get troops. super fun game. i neeeeeed more!!!!

cant wait for the full release! best of luck!

are there cheats for the console?

awesome!!!!!  but like the bard said im not satisfied!!! i need mooooooore!!!!!

wave 7 is sad :(